I'll try to keep the story short and sweet. I got the call from my doctor's office on Monday, July 12, to go in to Sibley for observation after getting some strange test results back the week before. My totally uneventful pregnancy took quite a strange turn at the very end. We truly never imagined they would decide to keep me! But they decided I was having an "atypical" presentation of preeclampsia and needed to be induced immediately (and later on Tuesday, was also diagnosed with Cholestasis, so strange). Luckily, we were prepared at home, but at work...hmmm, not so much :) oh well. I had to go on magnessium, which is some really crazy stuff and put me totally out of commission for over 2 days. I was induced monday night and started pitocin on Tuesday morning. I labored. and labored. and LABORED. All I can say is thank god for epidurals :) After not progressing much over 14 hours, we all decided that a c-section was the only way to go. So at 9:17 pm on Tuesday, July 13, our beautiful boy was born! I was so out of it from that magnessium, but even through the haze I know it was the most emotional, wonderful moment of my life. He was so tiny and perfect. Talk about love at first sight!
Because he was born early and was very lethargic from the magnessium, he was whisked off very quickly to the special care nursery. Scott got to hold him and I got to give him a quick kiss. That was the last I got to see of him for 26 LONG HOURS. Never has a day moved so slowly before. I had to be kept on the magnessium and epidural for the entire next day, so I was stuck in bed. He needed constant care, so he couldn't be taken from the nursery. So there was no way I could see him. Ugh, it was awful. Luckily, Scott could! He took lots and lots of pictures for me.
JJ stayed in the special care nursery for 8 days. That sucked. No other way to say it. I got sent home on Saturday and was told to go home and "rest". Yet had to be at the hopsital all day for feedings. Not to mention, being away from him was pretty much out of the question for me. However, the silver lining was the incredible level of care he received from the nurses. In fact, all I can do is rave about all the the nurses we had at Sibley. One was more amazing than the next. The special care nurses spent a lot of time with us giving tons of advice and pep talks. Trust me, I needed some pep talks in order to leave that hospital without my son. *sigh*
But on Tuesday, July 20, we got to take JJ home! And here we are, 12 days after he was born happy at home with our son. Tired? Yes, oh god yes. But insanely happy. I now understand what people mean by your whole life changes. I could stare at him for hours on end! We made this handsome boy? Is that really possible!?! Apparently it is :) Welcome to the world, JJ! We can't wait to see you grow from our little baby to a big boy. Just not too fast, ok?