Please don't let the crappy picture deter you from listening to me when I say...you need to make this recipe!!
We've had a jar of curry powder hanging around for months. We use just a little bit of it each time we make jamaican beef patties (which certainly warrant a post all to themselves, so I'm mentally adding that to the list). But we had a BIG bottle and it was getting used up slowly. I was watching Barefoot Contessa the other day and saw her make this curry chicken salad. We were feeling adventerous and decided to try it. Yes, I know it's sad that curry = adventerous...but it's true :)
Here's the link to Ina's recipe:
I've made a few changes though which work well for us...
1 whole rotisserie chicken
2/3 c. light mayo
1/2 c. light sour cream
1/3 c. dry white wine (I used vermouth last time and it worked just fine. This time I had a bottle of reisling so I used that. did you know that when Erin stops drinking, wine lasts more than 1 day in the fridge? amazing)
1/4 c. mango chutney
only ONE tb. curry powder (one was definitely more than enough, 3 to me is overkill!)
1 c. diced celery
1/4 c. chopped scallions
I omit the raisins, just a personal preference
1 c. cashews (I like to toast them in a dry pan before adding them)
You NEED the cashews. that's a must. This salad is so delicious. So what if you stink of curry for a whole day after?!? :)
On a related note...we're finally ready to buy a new camera. So hopefully one day in the near future, the pictures I post won't look like garbage. New baby definitely means new camera. VERY excited about this!