How chill is this baby? :)
Or should I say, how chill is this 3 month old baby?? 3 MONTHS! When did this happen?
JJ is so alert now. Chatting up a storm, smiling, watching us very closely (gotta watch that PDA now! hehe). Best part though...he's sleeping at night. For many hours at a time. One night, it just started. 3 hours one night and then the next night...6 hours! He's gone as long as 9 hours. All of which means, I'm sleeping! Woo hoo. It's one of my favorite things to do. No seriously, it is. If my mattress wasn't approximately 150 years old, I bet I'd like it even more.
My time at home is winding down. Sniffle. I'm lucky enough that I work in DC and FMLA is 16 weeks instead of 12. I had initially planned on being back to work after 12-14 weeks and well, that all changed the moment this little boy entered my life. It's been tough, but I think taking all 16 weeks was absolutely the right thing to do. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Well, onward and upward! Let's see what month 4 has to offer. I know one thing, at least...JJ will have a new baby cousin to meet!! Any day now. Sooner than later we hope :)