Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 7, 2010

snOMG Part Two - the SNOW DAY!

I officially take back all the bad things I've ever said about the people of this lovely region I live in. I love their great irrational fear of snow and their even greater inability to deal with the weather. I have not one but two snow days a full day after the last snow flake hit the ground and its the best thing EVER! Our parking lot still isn't plowed and the Death Train still isn't operating above ground. Better yet, with more snow on the way, the panic levels have really skyrocketed. We may be completely stir crazy at this point, but who cares. The stir craziness (added to my already present desire to nest) has led to me cleaning just about every surface in the house, doing laundry, ironing, making delicious white beans to freeze...just an endless list of chores to stave off the boredom. But I'm determined to enjoy the time off and will fondly recall this time when March hits and there's not a long weekend in sight.

It was one heck of a storm, I will admit. I haven't seen snow like this since the mid-90's. Marley went from loving it, to not being able to move in it. So he's pretty over the snow at this point too. Looking at it from the balcony suits him just fine. I'd share video of him jumping through the snow like a bunny, but my videography skills are just awful. So maybe next time :) We did get a few great pics, as you can see!

The one real bummer about the snow was it ruined all the weekend plans. We were really looking forward to watching the superbowl with good friends and eating the MOST delicious ribs. We had to quickly improvise and decided on making pizzas for the big game. I can't describe to you how good these pizzas are. We use the dough from Trader Joes (which I always have in the freezer) and Scott splits that one dough into four very thin crust pizzas. Top them with a garlic oil, fresh mozzarella, carmelized onions, roasted red peppers and pancetta...and its pure heaven. MMMMMM. We also made one with red sauce and cheese, but its just not as sexy as the other one. Still delicous though!

We watched Julie and Julia on Saturday. Anyone else seen it? I mostly walked away from it wishing it was just a movie about Julia Child. Oh and now I desperately want to make Beouf Bourguignon :) Maybe for the next snow storm...

One last thing, if you do make that creamy spinach from my last post, might I recommend one thing? Save some for breakfast the next day, make eggs benedict and throw that spinach on top of the eggs. You'll thank me later.


  1. I might have to try the spinach now. Did you make hollandaise too? Good lord. I haven't been able to complete one chore let alone several. Come on spring!

  2. I am wondering if I'll be going to work at all this week. Plus, with the long weekend, I kind of want to talk to real grownups. We actually didn't have any plans in stone so that was nice for us. We just had plans for lots of food which we then decided to spread out over the entire week so we didn't have to go back to the storm. We met a doggy on our walk, and he loved the snow and was very friendly. Laura was really good with him (but then he jumped and kissed her, but she didn't turn away or even squeal so progress!)

    We had pizza for lunch. I grabbed 2 from Trader Joe's last Friday before work. I also bought a guacamole set, but it's taken 4 days for my avocado to ripen. It better be worth the wait.

    I have heard that about Julie & Julia. It hasn't made it up that far on my list yet. We have (500) Days of Summer. Enjoy the additional snow day!

  3. So glad to hear about the doggy progress!!

    and yes, we sure did make hollandaise :) YUM!
